سياسة الخصوصية
Privacy Policy

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This privacy and security statement illustrates the approach that Dinar Investment follows in collecting and publishing the information on its website.

Dinar Investment is aware of the importance of your privacy and data; therefore, We commit to keeping all critical information and data confidential of all visitors. We've, carefully, build up our policy to illustrate the following:

Agreement on the Privacy Policy

Using the Dinar Investment Platform and its application means you accept the privacy policy, and regulations and conditions that control the platform and its application. If you do not agree on this policy, you should not use any of Dinar Investment services.

Users Data Collection

Once you visit DINAR.SA, our servers automatically gather your IP address (The IP address is the number associated with your computer, and it allows other computers connected to the Internet to identify the source of data, in addition to collecting information about the user's browser and search engine, and the date and time of visiting the URL that transfer the user to DINAR.SA, but without identifying the user.)

Links to Other Websites and Online Third Parties

The privacy policy applies to the Dinar Investment (DINAR.SA) only. When transferring to another website through (www.dinar.sa), you should carefully read their privacy policy to know how information security and privacy procedures are followed there.

Types of Collected Data
  • Cookie Files:
    We may save Cookie Files on your computer when you first visit our Platform. Cookie files are a kind of data that helps specify you as a user. It can be used to enhance your use of the platform and to better understand your need. Most browsers accept cookies as a default. You can reset your browser to not accept all cookies, or to notify you before. Be aware that some of our services might not work properly if you refuse cookies. The reason is that we may/may not link information saved within the cookies with any identifying information entered through the platform.
  • Personal Information:
    The Dinar Investment platform (dinar.sa) retrieves your information of the national ID, job and education, and other information available on the Government Service Bus (GSB). Dinar.sa platform and its application do not store such information. Dinar.SA commit to the main principles and general rules of the protecting of personal data, in addition to the main principles and general rules of data sharing.
  • Location:
    Dinar.sa may ask the users to identify their location in order to benefit from the provided service on its platform and application.
The Purpose of Collecting Data

Using the IP address helps us solve any problems arising on our servers, including statistics about the utilization of the Platform (such as number of visitors, the language of the computer used, etc.). We never permit any party, other than the technical team of the DINAR.SA Platform, to know your IP address.

Secure Information Transmission

We assure all users that this Platform relies on the highest security standards to protect their information. We work diligently on encrypting information regarded as sensitive (i.e. credit card information), in addition to any data that should be kept confidential, pursuant to legal requirements.

Protecting Personal Information

Your information may be made available to government officials, in the exceptional circumstances that this need should arise, however, It will never be made available to the public without your prior consent. Additionally, this information will not be circulated, exchanged or sold to any party without your prior consent. Our technical staff is only permitted to handle this information to provide such services of DINAR.SA Platform as are consistent with your needs. There is Freedom of Information and Protection of Private Data Law under review by the Advisory Shura Council.

User’s Right

Any user, who has previously provided us with personal information, has the full right to:

  • Access to the information.
  • Obtain the information.
  • Correct or modify the information.
  • Withdraw the agreement and delete the information.
  • by sending an email request to info@dinar.sa, or by contacting us here.
Contact Us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, need help, or lodge a complaint, please let us know through:

The Privacy Policy Updates

Dinar.sa has the right to update and change its privacy policy at any time as needed. To check the last update, please click the update date at the bottom of this page.

Additional Information

The privacy policy on the Dinar Investment (DINAR.SA) is governed by the following main principles issued by Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA):

The Main Principles of Personal Information Protection

  1. Responsibility :
    That the privacy policies and procedures of the control authority are defined, documented, and approved by the entity’s primary administrator (or whoever he delegates), and published to all parties concerned with their application.
  2. Transparency :
    That a notification about the policies and procedures related to the control authority is prepared to indicate the purposes of processing the personal information in a specific, clear and explicit manner.
  3. Choice and Consent :
    That all possible options are determined for the owner of the personal information, and obtain his consent (implicit or explicit) regarding the collection, use or disclosure of his data.
  4. Limit Data Collection :
    That the collection of personal data be limited to the minimum amount of data that fulfil the purposes specified in the privacy notice.
  5. Limit Data Use, Retention, and Disposal :
    That the processing of personal data be restricted to the purposes specified in the privacy notice for which the data subject gave his implicit or explicit consent, and to keep it as long as necessary to fulfil the specified purposes or as required by the laws, regulations and policies in force in the Kingdom, and to destroy them in a safe manner that prevents leakage or loss, misappropriation, misuse, or unauthorized access of a system.
  6. Access to the Data :
    That the means by which the data owner can access his personal data for review, update and correction are identified and provided.
  7. limiting Data Disclosure :
    That the disclosure of personal data to external parties is restricted to the purposes specified in the privacy notice for which the data subject gave his implicit or explicit consent.
  8. Data Security :
    That personal data be protected from leakage, damage, loss, misappropriation, misuse, modification, or unauthorized access according to what is issued by the National Cybersecurity Authority and the competent authorities.
  9. Data Quality :
    That the personal data is saved accurate, complete, and directly related to the purposes specified in the privacy notice.
  10. Monitoring and Compliance :
    To monitor the application of privacy policy and procedures of the control authority, and to address inquiries, complaints and disputes related to privacy.
The Main Principles and General Rules for Sharing Data

We provide publishable data from the right sources and guarantee that it is not duplicated or conflict with any other data. We provide data for practical justified goals, aiming to achieve public interests without causing any harm to the entities 'activities, individual's' privacy, or environmental safety. The access to data by properly qualified and trained persons. All necessary information for data exchange shall be shared, including the required data, the purpose of collecting it, means of its transmission, methods of preservation, controls used to protect it, and the mechanism of disposal. The security controls stipulated in the data sharing agreement are applied. Appropriate security controls are applied to protect and share data in a secure and reliable environment, according to the relevant laws and regulations. Ethical practices are applied during the data sharing process to ensure that its use in a framework of fairness, integrity, honesty and respect.

  • All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties.
    Saudi Arabia is our country of domicile
    Website will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of Saudi Arabia
    We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in SAR.
    Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.
    Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Saudi Arabia. 

تحذیر تحذیر المخاطر

دينار منصة لترتيب إصدار أدوات الدين والاستثمار بها مصرحة من هيئة السوق المالية (٢٠٢٢-٥٤-٠٢) رقم السجل التجاري (١٠١٠٧٤٢٩١٧). يقتصر عمل فريق دينار على استقبال طلبات التمويل ومراجعة المعلومات والتأكد من بيانات تسجيل المنشأة ثم عرضها على المستثمرين بما يتوافق مع متطلبات هيئة السوق المالية المتعلقة بطرح الأوراق المالية والالتزامات المستمرة. تؤكد منصة دينار على أن طرح الفرص الاستثمارية على منصة دينار لا يعدّ نصيحة من دينار لغرض الاستثمار في تلك الفرص؛ حيث إن بعض أو كل أنواع الاستثمارات المطروحة على منصة دينار قد تكون على درجة عالية من المخاطر، وليست مضمونة أو مؤمن عليها بأي شكل من الأشكال، فقد تتعرض لأنواع عديدة من المخاطر منها مخاطر عدم سداد المستفيد (طالب التمويل)، فيكون المستثمر عرضة لجميع أنواع المخاطر والخسارة بشكل كلي أو جزئي؛ لذلك فإن المسؤولية تقع على المستثمر في اختيار الفرص الاستثمارية الأنسب له والاستثمار فيها. لا تقدّم دينار أي من المنتجات أو الخدمات الاستثمارية غير التي تم الحصول على تصريح لها من الجهة المختصة، كما لا تعدّ دينار ضامنةً للمستثمر، ولا تقدّم أي ضمانات منها أو من أي من تابعيها أو موظفيها أو مديريها تتعلق بتحمل أي نوع من الخسائر المالية المحتملة، ولا تتحمل دينار مسؤولية صحة ودقة وكفاية البيانات المالية وغير المالية لرعاة أو مصدري أدوات الدين أو أي من المنتجات المطروحة على المنصة، وتقع كامل مسؤولية صحة البیانات على الجهات طالبة التمويل